Global Milennial Group

Berdiri 2020 di Sukaharjo, Jawa Tengah
Global Millennial Group (GM Group) adalah start-up company yang dibentuk untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan melalui kegiatan dan program informal yang bisa membantu self improvement anak muda.

Sejarah Komunitas/Organisasi

The Global Millennial Group (GM Group) is a start-up company committed to enhancing the quality of education through the implementation of additional informal education programs and platforms for youth growth worldwide. The variety of our services will suit your needs and desires. As with that, the GM Group is serving as a step towards a progressive and prosperous future for young people. As we see, the formal education system focuses on hard skills, such as mathematics, physics, and others. While soft skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, creativity, and others are not “well known” and “developed” although it’s very important, GM Group believes that this trend needs to be changed to increase the standard of education and become a breaker of the old school system.
To be able to achieve the aims of the GM Group, which is to inspire youth generation to get out of their comfort zone, to seek new experiences, and to express their opinion along with developing their soft skills based on their interest, talent and passion, the GM Group has successfully implemented numerous youth empowerment programs, such as Global Millennial MUN, MUN school, Wander Voice International English Competition and Speech School. Also, the Global Millennial Group has a Country Ambassador with 8 projects in it, such as The Youths’ Idea Circle, Behind The Facts!, The Unexpected Youth, Bright Generation, Daisy Chain, GenZ Advocates, The Real Patriots and Unheard Voices. By participating in these programmes, participants are able to gain knowledge directly through their series of activities.
As it continues to grow, GM Group is planning to widen its footprint by implementing its programs in multiple areas. GM Group hopes that it will give youths from every part of the world the same chance to participate in its programs. We are also connecting the global future leader. #YouthforFuture #OneStopSelfDevelopmentSolution

Alamat Lengkap

Perum. Pondok Baru Permai, Blok A2, No.29, Gentan, Baki, Sukoharjo

Jumlah Anggota

62 Anggota


Achieve global quality of education by providing informal educational activities that encourage youth to think critically, international networking, and soft-skills development.


Provide inclusive, professional, integrity and affordable learning platform for global youth.