Teman Ceritera

Berdiri 2020 di Bandung, Jawa Barat
Teman Ceritera hadir untuk menjadi komunitas yang membangun dan mempertahankan atmosfer peduli kesehatan mental di lingkungan kampus. Menyediakan ruang yang aman dan nyaman, menyajikan konten informasi dan edukasi seputar kesehatan mental, serta menyediakan sarana konsultasi merupakan hal yang berusaha dilakukan Teman Ceritera untuk mencapai tujuan.

Sejarah Komunitas/Organisasi

Our story began in June 2020. Back then, we were a small group of college students, giving bright light, hope, through half-hour podcasts, to those who were on the lowest peak of their lives.Today, we are privileged to connect with thousands of audiences through our social media to share thoughts, stories, as well as spread happiness and meaning to each life.

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Jumlah Anggota

42 Anggota


Improving mental health care atmosphere in campus society through a safe and comfortable community.


Provide mental health educational content and forum and grow mental health care community.